Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chazal, Ramban, & Science

The Ramban (in the beginning of Parshas Tazria) mentions the views of the Greeks and seems to imply that Chazal can be wrong in science. See here for a discussion of this topic. I put a comment there and here:

I asked a talmid of R' Moshe Shapiro who asked his rebbe about these rambans and he said that there's more than one level to the physical universe. Just like there's p'shat, remez and sod in Torah, so too by the physical universe. So if ever a gemara or rishon seems to contradict science you can just say they're talking about a deeper level of the universe than science. The ramban doesn't say chazal is wrong, he just mentions both views. They're both right!
The problem with this explanation is if it can't be detected by the eyes or ears or any physical instruments scientists use, then how on earth is it physical? It would make more sense to say certain gemaras aren't to be taken literally, but that is not the approach of R' Shapiro.
Also, the ramban about rainbows says "we are forced to believe the words of the Greeks", and he changes the p'shat in a pasuk because of greek science! Kal V'chomer to modern- day proven science.


  1. Anonymous had said...
    Ramban presents the opinion of the Greeks as a conflicting view.

    I deleted his comment b/c the end could have been considered disrespectful.

  2. Do you think that some of Rav Moshe Shapiro's comments should also be deleted from the public record, because they are disrespectful?

  3. Anonymous thought RMS's explanation didn't make much sense. I can't leave every comment on the blog, try to be more polite.
    Anyways, the idea that there are other levels of laws to the universe is found in some acharonim, i just don't think they would explain the ramban like that.

  4. PS
    Notice how the Ramban says were forced to believe the words of the Greeks in this scientific matter.
