Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Shemiras Shabbos - First Halacha

I will start with the melachos of garments first since they are not too complicated, not well known, and very important (since they can happen very often).
The first Melachah is Gozez, Shearing.
The mishkan was covered with woolen curtains and it was nessesary to shear a sheep to get the wool, so that is the Av Melachah of Gozez. The Melachah d'oraysa of Gozez is detatching s/t from self or another living thing (or formerly living thing) for any benefit.*

Common Gozez Cases:
  • Cutting Nails
  • Cutting Hair
  • Removing skin
I probably will give more details this week.

(* machlokes if any benefit is d'oraysa but i think this is the halacha. see tosafos on shabbos 94b)

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