Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I would normally put this in a comment on the post its relevant to, but im
not able to access my blog in kby. (Check back on old posts for
brilliant insights or information i only found later.)

The Rosh HaYeshiva, R' Greenberg, Gave a shiur today about speaking in
Lashon HaKodesh. I don't think I mentioned in my post the holiness of
Hebrew, another (if not primary) reason to teach hebrew to the very young.
Hebrew is the language of the Jews, the Holy Tongue of the Holy People
(Gur Aryeh, Devarim 1:23). It is the language G-d communicates with
his people (Ramban shemos 30:13).

But specifically about teaching your child hebrew, read this quote from
the Sifri:

When a child begins to speak, his father teaches him lashon hakodesh and
teaches him torah. But if he does not speak with him in lashon
hakodesh and does not teach him torah, it is fit as if he
buried him, as it says, "teach them to your children"

The sifre explains the limud: "l'ma'an yirbu y'meichem" only is true if
"v'limadtem es b'neichem", and "m'klal hen ata shomea lav".
(see also tosefta chagiga 1)


  1. Okay, "Little One" in my blog is at KBY and he's tall and thin, an American 2nd year. Does he know you?

    No, I can't tell you who he is, but ask around. Ask, Who has a mother who goes by. . .on the Internet. And tell him I love your blog.

  2. And if you out me, it's totally, totally, totally on your head, seriously.

  3. Where'd you go, Nebach? Have you seen Simcha?
