Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kollel (draft)

Read this quote:

"...which imposes upon women the burdens of life meant to be borne by men... Opinions vary, but the general trend today is to burden women with a constantly increasing share of what hitherto was an exclusively male concern. And we? We see to our amazement, from our ancient history, that the world today is voluntarily plunging itself into that confusion through which the ancient Egyptians tried to shatter our life force shemachlifin meleches anashim l'nashim and we are warned! The sign of the times speak loud and clear against this new manifestation and bear witness to the truth that this perversity corrodes the forces of life... "

Q: What is the above quote attacking?

A) The Woman's Lib Movement

B) The Kollel Movement

A: This quote, from the Lehman Hagadah (Published _), compares the woman's lib movement to shibud mitzrayim. But How exactly is the Kollel movement different? Haredi society somehow has the contradictory position of both wanting women to keep their traditional roles and support their families while their husbands learn in kollel.

It's a weird idea, that the father shouldn't support his family. The Mishna and the Rambam use strong language against those who take money for learning torah. Fine, it was decided by the achronim that we can no longer keep to such a high standard, and rabbis can earn a salary for their community position. But how did it start that all of the masses go straight to kollel without anyone to support them, many just relying on tzedakah?

See this article in the Jewish Press which discusses this issue more.


  1. "But how did it start that all of the masses go straight to kollel without anyone to support them, many just relying on tzedakah?"
    I think this question shows a regrettable ignorance of the facts of the situation at hand...

  2. in many places its accepted for the general population to learn in kollel.
    who supports the kollels?
    people go around collecting tzedakah for kollels.

  3. Yes, but most Kollel people get only a small bit of their support from the Kollel. BMG, for example, doesn't even start giving Kollel checks until one is there for a few years. Almost without exception, the only Kollels that give something approaching a living wage are the out-of-town community Kollels, where the Avreichim have more-than full time jobs (usually three Sedorim plus Shabbos and special occasions).
    Most Kollel people need to get the majority of their income from other sources, and the kollel check is only a supplement (albeit a welcome one) to their income. You are misinformed when you say, "without anyone to support them, many just relying on tzedakah."
