Monday, August 21, 2006

Gedolim Pictures I -- R' Menachem of Vilna

______The reverse of the picture says:

Harav Menachem Krakowski
b. in Volkovitch 5630 (1870 CE)
d. in Vilna 5689 (1930)
he was an av beis din in the following kehillos:
Tinkavitch, Haslavitch, Navordok.
Magid Mesharim and Moreh Tzedek in Vilna.
He learned in Vilna and he served the Geonim Meran Naftoli Tzvi Yehudah Berlin and Rabbeinu Chayim HaLevi Soloveitchik. Son-in-law of Rabbi Eliyahu Feinstein Av Beis Din of Pruzaner.
Author of the Avodas HaMelech and the Arzei HaLevanon (published after his death).

[his Nephew Rav] Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik (Boston)

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