Sunday, April 16, 2006

Tefillin on Chol HaMoed

There was a shiur on this topic on YU Torah but it doesn't appear to be there anymore so I'll write what I remember from it.

A person doesn't wear the twa of tefillin on shabbos and yom tov since they are an twa themselves.
Q: Is Chol HaMoed an twa and patur from tefillin?
Possibly. If it depends on the mitzva of yom tov, then chol hamoed is also, since you can’t eat out of the succah all of succos and you can’t eat chometz all of pesach. But if it depends on whether there’s an issur melacha, then it’s a question. Is the issur melacha d’oraysa and therefor it is an twa or is it just d’rabanan (and wouldn’t prevent the d’oraysa of tefillin)?

So if each possibility was a 50% chance, there would only be a 25% chance that chol hamoed is not an twa and patur from tefillin. Most of the Ashkenazi rishonim held like this and that’s how the Rema paskens. He says you wear tefillin on chol hamoed and make a bracha, just say it quietly (just in case there are Hassidim in the back).

But other poskim say no, you shouldn't wear tefillin on chol hamoed. Either because twa goes by the mitzvas yom tov or because the issur melacha is d’oraysa. The shulchan oruch says you’re not allowed to wear tefillin on chol hamoed, because twa of shabbos and yom tov doesn’t just permit not wearing tefillin, it makes it assur. The zohar says someone who wears tefillin on chol hamoed is chayiv misa.* The Vilna Gaon also says [the Rema is very wrong and] you shouldn’t wear tefillin on Chol hamoed.

So according to some it’s a chiyuv d’oraysa and according to others it’s assur d’oraysa. The Mishna Berurah, quoting the Ba’ch, suggests a compromise. Put on tefillin, but make a condition before putting them on: Say “If really there’s no mitzvah, I’m not doing anything now; these are just expensive bits of leather I’m wrapping around my arm.” Without the intention of doing a mitzvah, you won’t be doing any issur, even according to the shulchan aruch. Then you say “If there is a mitzvah then obviously I’m doing the mitzvah of tefillin!” That way you’re safe either way and you can put on teffilin, you just don’t make a bracha since you’re in doubt .

The mishna berurah says everyone should follow their custom, just make sure you don’t have some people wearing and some people not wearing tefillin since then it’s “Lo Sisgod’doo. R’ Moshe says elswhere (by which half of sefirah to keep) that in America, this isn’t a concern, since there is no minhag America, everone came with their own customs. In Europe, each town or area had its own minhagim, and it would be wrong to do differently. But in America everywhere’s “Lo Sisgod’doo”. So probably everyone can follow their own minhag for tefillin on chol hamoed also. Just don’t go to a minyan that does have a minhag and not follow it. (Don’t wear tefillin to a Hassidic Minyan, they take the zohar literally!)

* The Rema says this Zohar means only if he wears Tefillin and kills someone would he be chayiv misa.


  1. But to your cooking pot of halachic rules you should also add "Al tifrosh min hatzibur" so IF your community has a clear concensus (despite minority opinions) of not wearing (or yes wearing) you SHOULD do as your community does.

    In Eretz Yisrael it was the general opinion that if you really MUST wear them, put them on at home in private, never in public (even within your own home).

  2. I went to shul today was was starting to put them on and was told to stop. Five other guys who came in after me also were told the same thing. So there seems to be a lot of confusion on this issue. Frankly I miss it when I don't put them on, even if I only put them on for a little while and say Shema.

  3. Eretz Yisroel does have a minhag haMakom for tefillin on chol haMoed since it's one of the rare instances which all of the earlier settlers agreed upon. The talmidim of the Gr"a, Chasidim, and Sefardim all didn't wear tefillin, so when there, you shouldn't put tefillin on publicly. The same goes for any shul that actually has a minhag about it.

  4. It is interesting that a lot of Ashkanazim hold like the Shulchabn Aruch, even the the Rema and Mishna Brura say that you should wear T'fillin

  5. Maybe they think it's Pikuach Nefesh (see article)

  6. Hellooooo? It's time for a new post Larry GLunker! The hungry masses are waiting for some drops of insight. Feed us.

  7. i typed in the hebrew word "os" or "sign" as in "they shall be a sign (os) or your hands" but it appears in some computers it comes up as "twa". i guess i should use a different font but wtvtr.

  8. I plan on posting about Intelligent Design, etc. if I have the time.

  9. see

  10. I've never understood that claim about Eretz Yisrael having a minhag hamaqom. E"Y is the homeland of all Jews, not just Sefaradim, and not just Ashkenazim with no respect for tradition.

  11. large groups of frum jews returned to israel in the 1800's and none of them wore tefillin on chol haMoed. so every regular ashkenazi who came after that had to follow the minhag of the land he was in. just b/c it's israel, doesn't mean there can't be a minhag there. even in yerushalayim there are minhagim e/o follows and it belongs o all the jews.
